Thursday, October 27, 2011

Four Critical Technologies to Consider

A recent article in Harvard Business Review discusses the four technologies that are presently driving business and applications. As Executives and CEOs we need to be cognizant about these and see if they can be incorporated on one level or another within our company's products/services, and be addressed in the Strategic Plan and Research & Development.

The Four Technologies are:

1. Microprocessors
2. Sensors
3. Wireless connectivity
4. Databases

For all companies, databases in particular are applicable across the board. Also, good and valid databases create an asset value for the company. At a minimum, an up-to-date customer database can significantly increase value for the company. Some acquisitions are made just for the customer list and contact information, alone. How up-to-date is your customer database? When was the last time it was validated and non-accurate information purged?

So you may want to give thought to the above technologies, how they can be incorporated or updated within your company, and how they can increase your company's competitive advantage.

Recent Article of Interest:

What do Netflix, Zipcar,, Nike+, Amazon, the Nintendo Wii, and the Apple iPhone all have in common? They all take advantage of four technologies that once were scarce and expensive but are now plentiful and cheap.

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