Monday, May 14, 2012

Improper vetting of Data on a Resume leads to Resignations at Yahoo!

As mentioned in a couple of earlier blog posts, making sure that the references check out and information on Resumes/c.v.'s is accurate before hiring someone, is critical and essential. This impacts the corporation on multiple levels:

1) Making sure that there is good "Job Fit" by contacting people who have worked with the individual before and how they have performed, and in "assessing" behavioral traits that fit with the position's benchmark, based on top performers.

2) Ensuring that the Ethics and Moral values of the person are consistent with the company's values, as this person's interaction with all levels of the company's personnel will have some effect, regardless of position within the company, from sanitary engineer on up.

3) Finding a replacement can take time and interrupts strategies or activities being handled by the individual in question and can set back the initiatives, by months to even years.

4) It affects the morale of of the company and personnel. The higher the position of the person or people in question, the broader the impact and negative affect on the company. In this most recent case at Yahoo!, which has been struggling to compete against Google, it casts ongoing credibility issues for the company, both internally and with shareholders. Morale and Credibility Issues follow Yahoo!

5) In this case, it has affected not only the career of the individual who embellished his credentials, but also, regrettably another Board member.

Have all the shoes fallen yet? Only time will tell! There should be policy changes put into place to prevent a occurrence, that is clear.

Scott Thompson CEO of Yahoo! Resigns

Patti Hart of Yahoo! Resigns Over CEO's botched Academic Records

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Top Job Positions in Decline and Hot

In a recent WSJ article at:

5 Sectors Slowing Job Growth & Increased Growth 

It shows the following industries currently in decline for this year;
1) Retail - Department Stores
2) TV, Movie and Music
3) Travel
4) Amusement & Gaming
5) Child Care

Industries doing well this year are:
Military and Legal and then: 
Social Media
Accounting and Human Resources
Engineering and Geologists
Health Care Professionals
Hospitality & Retail (Food & Leisure)

Good luck to all of us! Keep moving forward regardless of the challenges!