The Objective of this Blog and Page:
The objective of this blog is to provide CEOs, Senior Executives and Human Resource (HR) Managers, ideas and methods to increase: engagement, productivity, retention, sales and profitability for organizations of all sizes and which can benefit their employees. These can apply, most times also, to Non-Profit organizations.
This blog is based on 35+ years experience with Fortune 100, and SME's (both public and private), as well as Turnaround and Change Management experience, actual present-day field observations and data, as well as current research, published and unpublished.
Links to Articles from this blog and elsewhere about Pre-Hire, Recruiting, Staffing and Training:
Hiring: Hunch Based versus Computer Modeling
BPO Attrition/Turnover 20-60%, Retention Initiatives and Recruiting Issues
The 5 Most Difficult Jobs to Fill in 2012 for the US?
CEO Survey Says that in the Next 3-5 Years, Talent Shortages, Limited Skilled Candidates are Major Impediments to Growth
Global Risks to Consider and Recent Analysis by Lloyd's- Has Your Company Considered These?
Sales Talent Management or Beating the Odds for Even greater Sales Success - Oct. 28, 2011