The Objective of this Blog and Page:
The objective of this blog is to provide CEOs, Senior Executives and Human Resource (HR) Managers, ideas and methods to increase: engagement, productivity, retention, sales and profitability for organizations of all sizes and which can benefit their employees. These can apply, most times also, to Non-Profit organizations.
This blog is based on 35+ years experience with Fortune 100, and SME's (both public and private), as well as Turnaround and Change Management experience, actual present-day field observations and data, as well as current research, published and unpublished.
To begin, organizations need to have in place Performance Reviews/Appraisals, and ideally 360 Performance reviews so as to help eliminate subjectivity and provide Objective input to the employee. Even better, online 360's should be used to provide confidentiality, candidness by those rating the individual and quick/timely assembly of the information.
The supervisor/manager of the individual, needs to review the results from the 360 (preferably a multi-step process) and development plans with the person, and agreed upon together, and signed off. These are placed in the personnel file.
The development plans should include training and other methods for helping to provide the skills and competencies for further advancement, if the individual wants to advance. Let's face it, not everyone wants or needs to advance.
From this point, this information is placed into a Succession Plan of some sort and reviewed with senior management. Normally 3-5% of your people, on each level, should be identified as having potential to advance or become leaders. You need the bench strength within your organization for sustainability.
Finally, you will probably begin to consider organizational change or re-alignment of your company to gain better productivity and maximization of your personnel, hence the name Organizational Development. If you have questions please ask.
Links to Articles from this blog and elsewhere on Succession Planning, Career and Organizational Development (OD):
CEO Survey Says that in the Next 3-5 Years, Talent Shortages, Limited Skilled Candidates are Major Impediments to Growth
Talent and Skills Shortages Number One Risk in Asia Pacific and 4 Other Risks
Global Risks to Consider and Recent Analysis by Lloyd's- Has Your Company Considered These?
Performance Appraisals
Benchmarking and 360 Performance Appraisals for Succession Planning
Even CEOs Report to Someone
Interpersonal Skills, Adaptability, Team Leadership and bottom-line results drive personal success
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